- MMP is committed to advancing the quality of its services for the benefit of MMP and our customers. We seek to assure quality through skill, care and diligence in all our activities and by adopting a customer-focused and process driven approach for the delivery of our services. We aim to continually improve the quality of our work by embracing leading standards and augmenting our capabilities to provide quality outcomes.
- This policy will be reviewed at the discretion of the Managing Director
- The Managing Director is responsible for the oversight of MMP’s Quality Policy and for the effective implementation and review of quality management. MMP’s QMS Manager is responsible for the operational management of the Quality Policy and its compliance on a day-to-day basis.
- Respective Project Managers are responsible for the implementation of MMP’s Quality Policy on their projects.
- All employees are responsible for applying appropriate diligence and care in their daily activities to ensure compliance with the Quality Policy.
- It is the policy of MM Pakistan to operate its QMS The requirements of the system that address quality are based on, and conform to, the International Standard ISO 9001:2008; and to applicable internal practices and work undertaken by MMP.
- In addition to complying with statutory and regulatory requirements, we aim to exceed customer expectations through identification, development and implementation of leading technical and professional standards, where appropriate.
- MMP expects suppliers, subcontractors, business partners and parties acting on its behalf to ensure their products and services are aligned to relevant quality standards and employees are expected to familiarize external parties with the principles expressed in this policy.
- MMP is committed to the ongoing training, professional development of employees and the provision of requisite resources to support them in enhancing their skills and capabilities for ensuring service excellence.
Managing Director